The Giant Vapes HexOhm is a HexOhm V2 brandishing the power of the 110 watt OKL-T20 board, which supports a voltage range of 3.3v to 6.0v, adjustable via a small dial on the side of the unit. Just adjust the dial until you find your perfect vape temperature!
The Giant Vapes HexOhm V2 mod can handle up to 20 amps at up to 110 watts, and includes the newest HexOhm 510 design with its spring-loaded 510 connection. In addition to being a vaping powerhouse, the HexOhm features exceptional battery life, with it's dual 18650 design. All Giant Vapes Hex Ohms feature a black button.
Batteries Used: 2 x High-Amp 18650 Batteries (not included)
Giant Vapes HexOhm V2 Specifications:
Aluminum Body
Magnetic Door
Spring-loaded 510 Connection
3.3-6.0v Variable Voltage
20 Amp Max Output
110 Watt Max Output